A unique forum for

 Mentoring and Learning & Development

for Engineers

TheEngineersForum is a multi-purpose vehicle for Core Engineers,  I.T. professionals and SME's to discuss, present & network on new technologies, products and services in the engineering & construction sector, and at the same time improve Personalities, Soft Skills, Build Knowledge and Management & Leadership Skills.

​​​​A unique forum for capability building  to become a great Manager and an Engineering Leader​​​

     Share Knowledge,Guide, Mentor, Prosper

Mentor Type: M12 LGSF

 Earthquake Engg/ Structural Engg/ Software Development 

    Ports & Harbours

M2/5 Rajendra Shimpi

Experience: 35 years totally in civil engineering, irrigation engg / dam engineering, water supply, 

Qualifications: DCE, BE (Civil), ME( Geotechnical ) 

Location: Nashik / Online

Areas of Mentoring:  Irrigation engg / water supply, 

Mobile 9422945224

Mentor Type: M1 Management/ Commercial / Corporate / Marketing/ CRM/ HR /Soft Skills & related issues

Mentor Type: M6 New Construction Technologies for India e.g. Five Technologies in NAVARITIH of BMTPC

Mentor Type: M10 Lean Construction

Mentor Type: M 17  Infrastructure Advisory

M2/3 Sharad Dhope

Experience: 40 years totally in civil engineering, housing, agricuture, and as a developer ( residential/ commercial)

Qualifications: BE (Civil)

Location: Mumbai Solapur/ Online

Areas of Mentoring: Housing/Agriculture/ deveoper

Mobile: 99699 62525 / smdhope@gmail.com

Mentor Type: M 14 Steel Buildings/ Data Centers

Mentor Type: M 15 Solar Business

Building Materials

M1/4  Ashim Saha

Experience: 35 years totally in building materials sales, marketing, business development, field marketing, product launches, special initiatives.

Qualifications:BSc  MBA

Location: Mumbai / Online

Areas of Mentoring: As mentioned in experience

Mobile: 93240 49147 /  ashims1515@yahoo.com 

Mentor Type: M5  Drone Technologies 

Mentor Type: M11 Precast Construction

Mentor Type: M 13 Steel Detailing - Tekla/ SDS2/others

M1/2 Sneha Daragshetti

Experience: 10 years in training

Qualifications: M.Pharm 

Location: Thane / Online

Areas of Mentoring: Soft Skills, Personality Development​, Life Coaching

Mobile 93260 50747  / www.snezeal.com 

M1/1 DInesh Bandiwadekar ( Founder & Chief Mentor )

Experience: 35 years in corporates/ training/ 10 years in Middle East

Qualifications: BE Hons Civil, MBA , 25+ Coursera Courses

Location: Thane / Online

Areas of Mentoring: Business Development, Tendering, Marketing, Sales, Digital Marketing, Construction materials, VDC, Personality Development, Life Coaching, Higher level of English comunication, Technical Paper Writing, Guide for MOOC Courses ( Coursera etc )

New Job/Work opportunities/ Placement & Internship guidance

Mobile 74004 90117 / dinesh.bandiwadekar@gmail.com 

Website: www.TheEngineersForum.in / www.PersonaAcademy.in

Kindly read the rules & regulations on the page   www.theengineersforum.in/register-as-mentor--mentee.html

M1 /5  Aayushi Khandelwal

Experience: 15 years totally in HR-Recruitment & Hiring, Learniing & Development, HR Generalist,Compensation planning, performance management

Qualifications:BE (Computer Science ) MBA(HR)

Location: Indore / Online

Areas of Mentoring: As mentioned in experience

Mobile:  99268 26165 /  aayushi71333@gmail.com 

Mentor Type: M8 Structural Design  Softwares STAAD/ ETABS etc

Mentor Type: M9 Project Management

M2/2  Nagendra Mirajkar

Experience: 34 years totally in port construction & maintenance, civil engineering

Qualifications:DCE, BE (Civil)

Location: Mumbai  Online

Areas of Mentoring: Port Construction & Maintenance 

Mobile: 7208226667 /  mirajkarng23@gmail.com

​​Page is getting updated !

Irrigation/ dams/ water supply

Mentor Type: M4 DIgital Marketing

Mentor Type: M7 Structural Design / Earthquake Engg / Softwares

 Housing & Developing

M1/3 Preeti Singh

Experience: 20 years in training

Qualifications: M.A.

Location: Gurgaon / Online

Areas of Mentoring: Soft Skills, Personality Development​, Life Coaching, Organisation Building, POSH

​Mobile/ WhatsApp: 98737 98765 / 74preetisingh@gmail.com 

Mentor Type: M3 Design & Engineering Services like CAD/ BIM/ REBAR /PRECAST / CIVIL3D / GIS/ VDC  

M2/4 B.P. Karamchandani

Experience: 30 years totally in civil engineering, Structural Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Software development

Qualifications: BE (Civil)

Location: Mumbai / On-ilne

Areas of Mentoring: Visiting Lecturer/Earthquake Engg/Structural Engg/ MVdad.com software founder/ trainer

Mobile: 99224 48800 / karamchandani.bp@gmail.com

M2/1. Avadhoot Deshpande

Experience: 34 years

Qualifications: MSc (Chemistry), DBM

Location: Pune / Online

Areas of Mentoring: 
1) Education 
2) Environmental  expert 
3) Environmental  audit 
4)Environmental  impact analysis 
5) Mentoring  the  projects in Environmental Science 
6)  Technology  transfer through  social awareness 
7)Water  treatment  and  waste water Treatment 
8) Solid waste  disposal 
9)Establishment of  Environmental  laboratory 
10) water and soil resource development and Health and Sanitation 
11)Chemical  Process  development

Mobile: 97671 20459 /97671 20459 avadhootdeshpande86@gmail.com

Mentor Type: M2 Technical/ Engineering


Mentor Type: M 16  3-D Printing

Water & Environment